The first topic is our inconsistent judicial system. I've mentioned it before in my Michael Vick article and the last couple of weeks affirms my beliefs. The people who we elect to uphold the law are not consistent in their rulings. Two cases come to mind.
- Donte Stallworth, hits and kills a pedestrian while intoxicated and receives 30 days in jail, 10 yeas probation(2 years house arrest), and 1000 hours community service. This can be heavy sentence but remember, he killed a guy. Inconsistency comes in the form of another disgraced NFL'er who didn't kill anybody but killed animals and has just finished serving a 2 year prison sentence. Everybody, that officially means that you can kill someone in Florida and get a slap on the wrist but kill a dog in Virginia and you get 2 years in prison. That or Vick should have bought of somebody, anybody. I know these are different states with different laws and court systems, but it all boils down to the fact that the United States should be more consistent as a judicial system as a whole, not vary from state to state.
- Chris Brown viciously beats his then girlfriend, Rihanna, and gets 180 days community service and 5 years probation. Domestic violence isn't something prosecutors want people to be taking lightly, so why did they agree to a light sentence with Brown's plea deal. I guarantee if it were any regular person, a plea deal like that would never have existed.
Money screams louder than the law, and if you have it you might be the loudest person in the room. I hate to sound like a person that complains that the rich get off easy, but in most cases they do.
Another topic that I found worth mentioning is how an organization like PETA continues to use scare tactics and shock value to gets it's points across. They even called out President Obama on killing a fly. A FLY! It's just a fly, I'm pretty sure even Michael Vick can still kill flies and not be labeled the devil again. J.P. Goodman, founder of The Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade has openly criticized PETA for using what he calls silly claims and goofy stunts. Goodman believes that PETA should stop spreading horrible messages that make them look like extremists and get back to the basics, a voice for the animals. In the end that's what PETA looks like, extremists. Any pamphlet that you get from PETA is all about shaking your core and making you cringe. The same way violence isn't the answer to our worlds problems, neither is graphic imagery. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, I prefer to call them People Effectively Terrorizing America.
News worth Knowing brought to you by MME. I love me some MME.