Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Texas, Homecoming

I'll be going home for the first time in over a year in August. Texas might be the greatest state in the union, and if you've never met anyone from Texas, 90% of us think the same. The only exception is Wes Anderson, and maybe my wife. Both of whom I respect dearly. Why is Texas such a great place to be? Here comes my list that rivals any travel agent's brochure:
  • I shouldn't even have to mention this, but the elixir of the Greek God's was rumored to be a formula closely resembling that of Dr. Pepper's formula. Dr. Pepper EST. 1885, Waco, TX.
  • America's Team, The Dallas Cowboys.... I won't even elaborate on this. It could possibly go on for the rest of the article.
  • Biggest state of usable land. Yes it is true that Alaska is bigger by square miles, but who can actually use all the tundra and ice. Texas has so much space, it's the iPod Classic of states. You have so much room you don't even know what to put on there, so you add fillers like Sinead O'Conner and Cyndi Lauper.
  • I'm not sure if anybody is aware of the law that if you marry someone over the age of 21 and you, yourself, aren't 21 yet, you can legally drink alcohol in the state of Texas. Already I can feel a third of the population migrating south.
  • Hate snow and big, some would even call them 'Great', lakes? Well go to Texas where all the lakes are manageable in size and snow fall is scarce. And if you really want to swim in a big body of water, the Gulf Of Mexico is to the east.
  • I know some people that love to travel but aren't comfortable when they enter a state they've never been to. In Texas you can travel for hours straight in one direction and still be in, you guessed it, Texas. It took me 12 hours just to leave the state, and another 12 to get to Michigan.
  • And last but not least, as one of Texas' greatest natives, George Strait, once said, Texas is the place I really love to be.

I think I just convinced myself. Oh and my wife(who proof reads my material) wanted it on record that SHE IS NOT A TEXAS HATER. (she just likes 15inches of snow, that's all)

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